I have created a “Sewing Challenge” monthly calendar for my newsletter subscribers. I recently posted a poll in my newsletter asking everyone to pick the one thing that they were struggling with right now.
- I need help finding time to sew.
- I need help with finding inspiration and motivation.
- I want to learn new skills and techniques.
From the people who took the poll, it came back that all three are equal in what people need help with right now. I had several say “all three”. They couldn’t pick just one. I agree. At any given moment I can be needing help in all of the above.
New Idea for the New Year
This is why I have chosen to begin the New Year with an inspirational, motivational calendar with challenges! In this calendar I will have things to help you find help with all three of those poll issues. Each month will have a “focus” word, things to try and do each week, and some will have free sewing projects to complete.

A “focus” word is a word to just think about all month. It will be one that helps us, whether it helps our outlook on life or just makes us feel better. I decided to let you write it in at the top of the calendar. That way you can have a different one than the one I choose.
Each month I will have a few things to try and complete each week. Hopefully, you will be inspired and motivated to at least try. I also will challenge you to always find time to sew.
Finally, I will occasionally have a free project to download and complete! In these projects I hope you will learn some new skills and techniques.
January and the New Year are always a great time to start something new! Join me and follow along with the Sewing Challenge Monthly Calendar. If you get my newsletter, I will be sending you a link to download the calendar each month.
If you would like to receive this calendar every month, then sign up for the newsletter below!
We will talk and discuss the calendar through my private Facebook group. To join, go to Quilting Friends of Jerianns Handmade so you won’t be left out!! I also do monthly videos and I will be talking about the calendars this month. Don’t forget to follow my Facebook page, Instagram, and Pinterest Page to stay up to date!
Let’s have a wonderful New Year and Always find time to Sew,

P.S. Be sure to check your SPAM on your email if you don’t happen to receive the Calendar download!