sewing kit, thread, scissors-5063401.jpg

Welcome to this hometown sewing community

      Welcome to this weekly chat about sewing, quilting, encouragement, and inspiration!

      I love hearing and seeing what others are working on.  It gives me inspiration and I not only get more done, but I am continually learning from them.

      As I embark on this journey into the blogging world, I wanted to come up with some kind of system to my weekly blog each month.  Here’s what I’m starting with, and I’m sure I’ll make changes along the way:

  • The first week of the month I will share what I accomplished in my sewing journey the month prior and what my goals will be coming up.  I will add to that anything I may have learned or discovered.  Finally, I will let you know what project we will be sewing together the next week and what you will need for that project if you choose to make it.
  • For week two, I will present the project.  I will first start with pictures of the step-by-step process, but later I hope to add a short video.  (On my list to learn. How to create a video!) It’s here that I hope you share your projects and tell me if there is something you want to see me make.  Maybe there is something you have been wanting to learn or try, but don’t know where to start.  Let me know, I’ll look into it.
  • On week three, I want to give helpful advice or ideas that deal with your sewing projects.  Things on where to store finished quilts, items that would be great gifts to make, sewing for charity and many other ideas I have that will hopefully spark that inspiration for you.  When the weather here starts to warm up, I hope to travel around to local quilt shops and give you a nice review of each.
  • Finally, week four will include favorite things I have discovered that I love.  It may be a book, pattern, sewing tool, podcast, YouTube channel, or organizing tip.  There will be more to that list, but you get the idea.

   I hope that this sounds interesting to you.  I really want to have a community here that draws those together with similar interests.  Changes may occur and that’s okay, but I just wanted to give a glimpse at what I’m thinking. Have a great rest of your week and I will see you on February 1st!!

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