orange background with pictures of Fall quilts, pillows, afghan, and Christmas cookie tray

 Fall & Christmas Décor Created Around the Five Senses

What are our five senses? They are See, Hear, Smell, Touch, and Taste. You may decorate using these senses already, or at least some of them. Maybe you haven’t thought about how to use the others. Our senses affect our mood. Fall and Christmas décor created around the five senses helps to make a warm and inviting atmosphere in our home.

Wood bench decorated for fall with crocheted pumpkins and pillows with pumpkins on them

Being a quilt blogger, you know I’m going to use a lot of quilts around my house, but there are other things to consider too. Things that add ambience and coziness that we think of when the days get shorter and cooler. I have a blog on ways to display your quilts.

Fabric pumpkin and candle sit on a table runner

How To Use Our Senses


Sight creates a visually appealing display around our homes.

Colors, textures, and patterns combined together create what we like to see this time of year. Oranges, browns, golds, and others are colors we associate with Fall along with patchwork and plaid. I think of anything rustic too. Pinecones and dried flowers come to mind. As the days get shorter, the use of mirrors with lights reflecting from them can help with the longer hours of darkness. We think of reds, greens, golds, and silvers for Christmas, but whatever your color scheme use a lot of it! Sparkling lights, ornaments, and colorful trees enter in for this season. I love to see lots of cookies and candy canes this time of year too. Seeing a fire in the fireplace is something that gives that cozy feeling for the season.

Stone fireplace decorated with flowers pumpkins, and quilts for Fall


                I don’t know of any “Fall Holiday Music”, but creating a new music download to play for this season is a good starting point. What kind of music makes you feel good this time of year? The wind blows here more this time of year so putting out wind chimes might be something that lifts your spirits. Every year radio stations start playing Christmas music earlier and earlier. When you begin decorating for Christmas might be when you want to start listening to it. Again, hearing a fire crackle in the fireplace is warm and inviting. They even make candles that make a crackling sound now if you don’t have a fireplace or you live in a warm area.

Fall colored patchwork wall hanging quilt


                This is an easier one. Scented candles and diffusers are everywhere in stores and every scent for Fall. One of them is bound to resonate with you and give you that ambience you’re looking for in your home. I love the autumn leaves, pumpkin pie, and apple cinnamon scents best! Another way to create wonderful smells is to bake. Baking cookies or pies will put a smile on everyone’s face and leave a wonderful smell in the home. Finally, you can create simmering pots filled with cinnamon sticks, vanilla, nutmeg, etc. Pinterest has a lot of simmering pot recipes for Fall and Christmas

For Christmas I love smelling peppermint and pine. I use candles and plug in diffusers to fill my house with these scents.

Quilted wall hanging of a Christmas wreath


              The first thing that comes to mind when I think about taste is warm beverages, hot cocoa, hot tea, coffees, and hot cider. In the Fall we also have “pumpkin spice” EVERYTHING! Don’t forget the candy corn! You either love it or you hate it! For Christmas I think of peppermint and special candy and cookies that we only make at this time of year.

Fall scene with a sweater, coffee, throw, and nuts scattered around


              In the Fall I think of soft, cozy, warm throws either crocheted or made from fur, velvet, or fleece. These items are ones you just want to touch and snuggle up with. I love having wrapped candies and chocolates out this time of year. It’s hard not to pick some up! As a child I remember the interactive Christmas items at my grandparent’s home that would sing, dance, and end up in my hands while I played with them! Kids love to TOUCH! Make sure you have an array of items for them to interact with.

Fall colored afghan and fall shaped candles

Finally, just have fun this season decorating as much or as little as you like. Make yourself aware this season of your senses. Using all five is what will help create the perfect holiday season for you and your family to remember.

Always Find Time to Sew,
