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How Quilting Can Promote Better Health & Well-Being

I’m not a doctor, but I find this topic fascinating. How quilting can promote better health and well-being is probably obvious in some ways to those of us who quilt. We are aware it helps us relax or gives us excitement. There isn’t much research out there on this particular subject, but I did find some.

Quilt quotes
This was created at a local quilt show I just attended and thought it was very appropriate for this blog! Hopefully they are large enough to read!

Journal of Public Health, Vol.34 Issue1, March2012

In this research, the Journal Interviewed 29 women from a quilting guild. They expressed that emotional, cognitive, and social processes were all important for their “well-being”.

Quilting Covers Emotional, Cognitive, & Social Processes

  • A productive use of time. When we are quilting, we are generally making something of value either for ourselves or others.
  • Challenging. It demands concentration while learning and maintaining new skills.
  • Color is psychologically uplifting. Fabrics are so full of color! They are so beautiful and enjoyable to look at. The finished quilt is really the same by giving pleasure, inspiration, and motivation.
  • A strong social network. Quilting provides strong friendships, affirmation from others, boosts self-esteem, and increases motivation. This is exactly what I want my blog and newsletter to do!
  • May divert attention from anxiety and pain. I have had several friends who have gone through cancer. Ask any one of them and they will tell you quilting has helped get their minds in a better place.
  • Relaxing. Certainly some patterns are more challenging than others, but the idea of sitting at the sewing machine, chain piecing blocks, brings a sense of relaxation.
  • Brings a sense of satisfaction. Quilting is made up of many different processes and techniques to learn. Learning each one is in itself satisfying. Then again, no matter your skill level, there is that sense of satisfaction when a quilt is finished every time!
  • Enhanced social relationships. This comes about by teaching others, especially younger family members.
  • A feeling of self-worth through charitable giving. I have a Blog about sewing for charities!
  • A sense of accomplishment.
  • A sense of purpose.

The last four were especially apparent in older adults. A quote from the Journal said, “Quilting seemed to possess some distinct properties for enhancing well-being that would not be replicated through outdoor/physical activity.”

You probably were aware of some of these, but now you may be more aware of how quilting can promote better health and well-being in your life!

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Hope you found this interesting and yet we kind of know how quilting affects each one of us individually. Maybe this made you more aware of other health related benefits you weren’t aware of. Now you know why I say,

Aways find time to sew,


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