Large List on How to Display Your Quilts

Quilt makers always, and I mean always have one to a bazillion quilts in various stages of completion! Although some of those get stuffed in a UFO box for a while, many get finished. You’ve made a lot of quilts, but now, what are you going to do with all of them? If you’re making quilts, I’m assuming you like to look at them and even find ways to decorate with some. I have a large list of how to display your quilts… not just on the bed! I will also show some unique ways to place the wall hangings and table runners too!

Let’s Start With Ideas on Displaying Quilts!

“Quilts are like friends, a great source of comfort!”  Seeing our quilts out on display around the house gives a sense of comfort. They are too beautiful to keep folded up in some closet. Get them out and enjoy them. Make some intentional displays. Start with a chair. Hang a quilt or wall hanging behind or beside it. Finish with a matching pillow to create a cozy feeling.

·  Draped on a chair, couch, footstool, or bench.

·  The front door, or behind a door scrunched on a hook.

·  On the wall with a quilt hanger or curtain rod.

·  Railing is one of my favorites!!

·  As a tablecloth.

·  Draped on a ladder or on a fireplace hearth.

·  Finally, use shelves to display folded quilts. This can be in a cabinet, or any shelf found built into a wall or on a piece of furniture.


Ideas on How to Display Wall Hangings and Table Runners

Wall hangings and table runners give you other options for displaying because of their size.

·  Front doors and inside doors are a perfect place to show a seasonal quilt.

·  Small wall hangings or mini quilts can be easily placed on a wall in a collage or try placing one in the main bathroom! I just use push pins to hold them in place because they leave small holes. Here is a picture of my mini tumbler quilt I just made for fall and a Halloween wall hanging I always display in the main bathroom.

·  End tables, coffee tables, sofa tables are extra places you may not have thought to place these little beauties.

·  How about across a foot stool? Runners work great here.

·  Sometimes these smaller pieces look great across the back of a couch, chair, or bench. You may not want something as large as a quilt, or maybe your wall hanging has a specific scene that goes with the season.

Don’t be afraid to display quilts in a nontraditional way. Quilts have a way of making a home feel cozy and comfortable. Don’t you agree?

Storing Our Quilts

How do we store our quilts when they are not displayed throughout the house? There are two ways I keep my seasonal quilts stored when I don’t want them seen. First, I like to fold them loosely and place them on a closet shelf. This keeps them out of the sun and lets the air rotate through them. This is best for large quilts. The other way I store my quilts are on skirt hangers. This works best for table runners, wall hangings, etc. This allows me to place them in seasonal categories. There is a hanger for fall, two for Christmas, one for winter and so on. I have a seasonal closet for our clothes, and this is where I hang these quilts. The shelf I store the larger quilts on is in the same closet.

This shows the “skirt hanger”. I have some of my projects clipped on. This holds up to 12 items and maybe more if you can clip more than one together.

Share with me your ideas on displaying and storing quilts. I would love to see how all of you do this.

Now let me announce the winner of the August Giveaway! Congratulations Barbara! You have won your choice of one of these cute little change purses I made for your handbag. Yay! I will contact you via email.

Enjoy your day and remember to always find time to sew,

1 thought on “Large List on How to Display Your Quilts”

  1. Love all the ideas!! Never thought of using skirt hangers to store smaller quilts. Of course, I just got rid of some skirt hangers.

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