Quilt Labels; What, When, Why, & How.

Quilt labels. Do you use them? Are they important? Quilt labels are important! When I was researching this topic, everyone unanimously agreed that quilt labels are important. No label? Then there is no information. Have you ever come across a quilt without a label and wished it had one? Who made this? When or why did they make it? That little bit of information is very much appreciated.

My Confession

Now that I know the importance of quilt labels, I plan to do my best at getting one on each quilt. In the past when I finished a quilt, I was tired of working on it and more than ready to move on to my next project. I don’t think I care if someone knows I made the quilt or not, but it’s not about me. It’s about the person you give it to or the person who finds it years from now and just wants to know! I think I understand that now.

What to Use When Making a Quilt Label

There is no rule concerning what quilt labels are to be made out of, unless you’re entering your quilt in a show. They may have rules and you will need to check that out. The fabric for the label is usually light in color so the information on it is easy to read. There are many options. One would be to create a small block that matches the front with the information on it. But if creating a fabric quilt label isn’t you’re style, you’re in luck because you don’t have to use any fabric! What? That’s crazy talk! Instead, you can write directly on the quilt with a permanent fabric pen, embroider the information, or free motion it on. The information is more important than the technique used to make the quilt label.

What to Include on the Quilt Label

The list for this is endless! A name or initials with the date is adequate for most quilts. There are, however, other things to consider if you want to.

  • Where the quilt was made; country, state, town, or all three.
  • The event for which the quilt was made.
  • The time it took to finish the quilt; ex. 2011-2013, when it was started and then finished.
  • Context to why the quilt was made; wartime, covid pandemic, etc.
  • The person you are gifting the quilt to.
  • The name of the quilt pattern.
  • A poem

Again, the information you provide is totally up to you and I’m sure you can think of other things not on my list. The quilt label gives that extra special touch and puts a nice finish to the quilt.

How and Where to Attach the Quilt Label.

Quilt shows may have rules, but other than that you can choose where to place the quilt label! If you make the label from fabric, it can be easily incorporated into the backing and quilted in as the quilt is quilted. Another way would be to sew the information along the binding in a straight line. If the quilt is already quilted, then use a fusible like Heat n Bond to stick the label on the quilt with an iron. It would then need to be sewn around by hand to keep it from eventually coming off and to keep it from fraying. An applique technique would work well for this.  If no fusible is used, then needle turn applique works best. I found a great Pinterest Board by Cheri Barnett. She has so many ideas on there related to what I have discussed and I think you will find it interesting and informative!


I hope this has caused you to pause and think about putting a quilt label on your quilts and why it is important. Maybe you always did, and I hope that you will continue to do so. I think what stops me and maybe you too, is not having the quilt label readily available when you need one. You can order them online or sit and try to create one yourself, but I have a special gift for you. I have created simple, yet pretty quilt labels you will be able to download and print directly onto fabric. Let me know in the Comments your ideas on quilt labels and whether you put them on.

Remember, always find time to sew.

2 thoughts on “Quilt Labels; What, When, Why, & How.”

  1. Reading this, I understand better why a quilt label is important. Definitely need to start including quilt labels as part of the whole quilt project. Thanks for the info!

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