May is a transitional month. School is coming to an end. Summer is on the doorstep. Those of us in the north can’t wait to spend more time outside. As the second half of the year nears, what is trending on the quilting scene? Before I give you my view on quilt trends emerging in 2022, lets announce the winner of April’s giveaway. Congratulations Kathy! I’ll be sending out your crocheted potholder right away!
Emerging Quilt Trends
Let me be clear that these are trends I’m seeing emerge. I would love for you to let me know if you agree and what other ones you may be seeing.
Modern Quilt Patterns
I see simple colors and the use of more solids in many quilts. The use of simple shapes like circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles are being used more. Two colored quilts are appearing in many designs. The minimalism movement may be fueling this to a point. People are wanting less busyness in their décor. Improv quilting is gaining in popularity, and it seems to fall under the modern quilt category. You don’t need a pattern for improv. You let the fabric speak to you as to how you cut the pieces and place them.

Quilts Made into Clothing
First, I am not getting on either side of this trend. We all have our opinions and I’m keeping mine secret. The emergence of jackets, skirts, and handbags burst on the scene this year with more than its share of controversy. Whether you cut up an old quilt or create a quilt specifically for the pattern, we are seeing more of them appear. There seems to be quilt patterns showing up in the fabric of shirts and coats in the store as well. Let me know if you are seeing this! Laundry Basket Quilts has a jacket pattern you may want to try.
Using What We May Already Have
Inflation, inflation, inflation! The price of everything is going up and that includes fabric. How to use your scraps and sew your stash are popular themes in books right now. Everyone is writing about them. There are people recycling clothing into quilts to save money. This is something my grandmother always did. We have quilts from her where we can see one of her blouses or grandpa’s pj’s cut up into pieces to make blocks. I love it!

Panels seem to be very popular right now. They are so versatile and can help you create a quilt, pillow, or wall hanging quickly. There are dozens of ways to finish them up and many ideas are on Pinterest if you need inspiration! Here is one I just purchased because I saw this quilt that used the blocks of the panel. It creates the illusion you pieced more blocks than you really did. The panel block becomes a “block” within your block!

Let me know if you are caught up in any of these trends I see emerging, in the Comments section. Trends are fun and exciting. Many times, they teach us new techniques or have us look at things in a different way. Enjoy the week and make sure you take time to sew!

Solid fabric quilt blocks and two color quilts do seem to be trending. It also seems bags/purses are starting to trend again. Another trend I have noticed is quilters finishing quilts from loved ones who have passed. Some just need quilted and binding sewn on. Others are finished blocks and unfinished blocks. It’s nice someone is taking the time to complete something from a previous quilter.
It’s funny. I use to make a lot of handbags and I have one cut out. I’m kind of getting in the mood to make some again. I love the idea of finishing quilts of loved ones. Those are true family treasures!